Mot-clef : healer cancer power mind dr christian boukaram

Le Pouvoir Anticancer des Émotions maintenant disponible en Portugais

Publié le par drboukaram

PortugesJe suis fier d’annoncer que mon livre « Le Pouvoir Anticancer des Émotions » a été traduit en Portugais. La traduction « O Poder Anticancro das Emoções » est maintenant disponible dans les librairies au Portugal et en ligne en cliquant ici.





Healer of Cancer: the power of the mind

Publié le par drboukaram

Cancer is a multifactorial disease that involves multiple elements, such as genetics and lifestyle. This book describes trials in mind-body connection, as well as complementary mind-body tools that can help classical cancer therapies and modify lifestyles. These tools can decrease healthcare costs and increase awareness, empowerment, as well as quality of life.

The author, an oncologist practicing in a busy teaching hospital, vouches for a change of paradigm, towards an integrative oncology that encourages patient-doctor dialogue and sees the person as a whole.